www.whyville.net Oct 24, 2007 Weekly Issue

Whyville Poet

Smile On

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Smile on, cherry blossom
You glow yearlong, against the weather
Night and day we're company
And though on travels we may lose our way
We stick like sap crawling down its tree,
Afraid to reach the floor too fast,
Afraid of gravity's greedy grasp

Smile on, cherry blossom
For half a year you've been my yearning,
For six months your body has called to mine
Just as long your song has soothed me,
Sweet as fruit juice in the summertime

I'll care when others would let you wither
I'll stop all those who'd try to rip you
I'd freeze in winter to keep you warm
I'd give up everything to keep you long

Smile on, cherry blossom
Your joy attracts the sunshine's rays
Your presence betters the worst of days
We'll place the gold ones in glass displays
Like trophies and memories of olden days

If Cupid was gardener,
He'd like us best of all
For our love grows, like vines, across the walls,
Holding no matter which season falls

Smile on cherry blossom,
Though in the whole it's not been so long,
Our tangled roots and bonds are strong,
Our cores are one, our thoughts alike,
Our hearts the same, let's call it love

Smile on


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