www.whyville.net Oct 31, 2007 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Music: What It's All About

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Hey, I'm karate221 here to talk to you about today's music!

As we all know, there are plenty of different music genres out there! But have you ever thought of just how many there are and what the music is truly about? Yea, some music has more than one meaning. It's just there, floating around putting tunes in our head. But what about that music that goes unnoticed in today's world, that's sending messages out to us?

First off, all music has some sort of a meaning. Even if the writer doesn't see it when it's being written, it always has something to say. Whether it is about how the world's working, how the life of the writer is going, or anything you can think of. Just like when people write stories or poems, there's a meaning to it. You can't go wrong with an every day song to send messages into today's society!

The most common listened to music is, of course, rap. From Akon, to Eminem, rap is listened to by two out of four people. Under the category rap, there are many different types. Some rap is about how messed up someone's life is, how they have to steal to get by, while others are not as . . . how should I say . . . catchy maybe? There are always those songs that are thrown out there talking about what they do in their every day lives. And of course, rap is not sang the same way as your everyday rock and roll. Some would say rap isn't sung at all, more like spoken to a beat. The way it's "spoken" says a lot about the genre, adding a certain mood to it.

And now we come to rock and roll. You just can't go wrong with rock and roll, now can you? There are two different kinds of rock and roll, or at least to me there are two. For all I know, there could be hundreds of types of rock and roll. But for now, there's classic rock and roll, and modern rock and roll. Classic being more along the lines of Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin, modern ranging from Aerosmith to any rock you can find! Back in what many today call, "the old days," rock was a lot of time about how the bands tours went, the fun they had during them, or the women they met. But really, rock and roll varies a lot from time to time of what it's about. Changing with every new artist that is born.

And then it brings me to heavy metal! Also known as death metal, acid punk, gothic rock, etc. Heavy metal and hard rock are often times set into the came category, and I won't protest. Often time, the two seem to run together. Examples you ask? Well, theres Slipknot, which to me is actually a cross between metal and hard rock. There's Marilyn Manson, which is more of a gothic rock. All great examples of what today's gothic and punk society listen to. Lots of times, this music is dark. Sang in a screaming version, it proves a point of expressing its feelings. It usually expresses the feelings of pain, agony, hurt, hate, sadness, all the depressing emotions you can think of. Not as many people listen to this type of music, all though a good deal do. People call it devil music, but know one ever thinks of the Christian metal music there is!

And last, but not least, country. So many people love country, sang in a normal tone, singing about life on the road, on a farm, etc. Country is loved by almost all, when you hear it, doesn't it make you picture yourself in a dodge driving down a dirt road? Examples are artists like, Rascal Flats, Sugar Land, etc. Singing about a lost love, a farm, or something their child did the other day. Country has almost always been around, starting from folk music and evolving over the years. Most of the time, it's bright music, but not always. It can always narrow down to being about the death of a wife or girl friend, boyfriend, sadness, yet the tune is barely low.

All music should be tried out, whether you prefer rap, or heavy metal, you should try it all. My friends all just absolutely love country and rap, strange combo, yes, but it goes to show you they try different kinds. I on the other hand, am a stubborn person. I prefer my heavy metal, all though I do occasionally listen to rock and roll. Try out different music, become one of the music fans who love all kinds!

Well, this is Karate221 saying peace!


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