www.whyville.net Sep 6, 2001 Weekly Issue

What We've Learned So Far

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What We've Learned So Far

Whyvillian since Jun 26, 01

Cloudy83 here! I am hoping for this to be put into the retrospective issue of the Times! I have put together a list of all things we have learned so far! I thought this would be perfect for the new issue!!!! Ok, here we go!

  1. Friendships are important. Your friend is always there when sometimes your family can not be.
  2. NEVER trust anyone who knows how to give you a wedgie!
  3. Pay attention in class so when the teacher calls on you, you won't have to act like an idiot and ask, "What was the question again?"
  4. If my friends all jumped off a bridge would I jump too? NO! I would be the one down at the bottom to catch them!
  5. If you're having a problem with one of your friends or classmates... talk to a teacher. If that doesn't work, go get your older brother.
  6. Even if you dad IS your hero... don't get him into trouble by saying to the school bully, "HEY FATSO! MY DADDY CAN BEAT UP YOUR DADDY!"
  7. If your mom is on a diet... don't eat chocolate in front of her.
  8. Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
  9. Don't make fun of old people... you'll be one too some day!
  10. If you miss the bus, don't say to your mom/dad "oh well! Guess I'm gonna have to stay home today!"
  11. Don't get smart with your pregnant teacher or mom.
  12. When your parents sit you down to have one of those "important talks", don't act immature and say "Here it comes! I told you!!! I've heard this one before!"
  13. If someone hits you, don't hit them back, because you'll be the one to get caught.
  14. Don't diss anyone over the Internet... it only ends up a mess
  15. Be good in school because whether you know it or not... you're teacher tells your parents EVERYTHING.
  16. If you want something really baaad don't bother sucking up, because it never works.
  17. NEVER try to baptize your neighbors' cat with the hose.
  18. Even if the Times doesn't publish your article the first time, keep trying! (lol)
  19. No matter what your grandma says, never eat prunes...
  20. If your mom won't give you what you want and your dad won't give you what you want... go call grandma.

Hope this gave you guys a good laugh! I know I laughed quite a bit! This is Cloudy83 signing off and wishing Whyville a great day!!!



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