Since Whyville has many creative people, and many opportunities to express creativity; fashions amongst us are always changing. Just look through a few pages of Akbar's new arrivals and you'll find enough variety to make your head spin. So whether it's your first time buying parts for a look, or your 100th time, it can be a little overwhelming.
A good point to start is where you're going to be hanging out. Just like in real life, depending on where you live (or hang out) styles can be very different. While I'd love to go through every place in Whyville, but there are just too many these days so I'm going to stick with three. The beaches, the sunroof, and the tables. I hope this article will help you fit in just a little bit more.
1. The Beaches
The beaches are probably the best place to go if you're just starting out. They are pretty much a neutral central for styles. If you're looking for somewhere that's usually pretty lively in the social department, and pretty easy going in the fashion department this is the place you need to go. I took a stop by South Beach to ask a few citizens a little about their look, and where they chill.
Romeobabe: Hi, do you hang out at the Whyville beaches a lot?
Just2good: Yes, I hang out mostly at South Beach.
Romeobabe: Do you ever get picked on for how you look at South Beach?
Just2good: No never, mostly it's compliments and they wanna know like what's your hair name and stuff like that.
Romeobabe: How would you describe your character's style?
Just2good: My character looks like a blonde prep sometimes, and other times it looks kind darkish. It never looks the same as anyone else, and I try to make it look as cute as possible!

So as you can see, the beaches are a great place to go! You can look the way you want without getting picked on. Not only that but it's a pretty social place. While I was there I saw a few beauty contests, new citizen tours, and an assortment of other things. And if you're looking for something to wear to fit in a bit more here are the names of some of the parts that I saw there.
For a nice tiara or crown try:
*a girlyleo gothic tiara/ crown
Or for a nice layered look to your shirts try:
Le Rose Over Coat
2. The Sunroof
The Sunroof is a pretty popular place; it's usually pretty full throughout the day. However this place is really quite different from the beaches, you won't find any scions making their passes or beauty contests going on. It's more of a location for older citizens to meet up and socialize. So if you haven't guessed the styles are a bit more "strict". I went to the Sunroof to ask a citizen or two about the different styles that are popular there.
Romeobabe: Hi, do you hang out at the Sunroof a lot?
Babygrace: Yes.
Romeobabe: What type of people would you say hang out at the Sunroof?
Babygrace: Many different people come to the Sunroof. Mostly Oldbies but there are many Newbies as well.
Romeobabe: Would you say people at the Sunroof judge others on how they look?
Babygrace: I do not judge those who dress different. But I know that some people at the Sunroof do.
Romeobabe: How would you describe your style?
Babygrace: My personal style is a little mix of everything.

The Sunroof is just another example of a great place to hang out. It's overall a fun place, but it may be more for the Oldbies. Another interesting thing about it is there are a lot of trades going on there. If you're looking for a rare part it's a good place to go. So what are the styles there?: Rare parts, long hairs, big lips, long shirts, for guys -- the old fashioned eyes, and of course a few medals ;) And here are a few part names that fit the styles there.
For big lips try:
new version pink lips 'D0T'
For old fashioned guy eyes try:
For long golden hair try:
3. The Tables
The Tables are a fairly new addition that have grown quite popular. They are located just off the food court, and are basically a large room where people can talk. Similar to the Sunroof, you won't find scions or beauty contests. However you will find a pretty creative group of people here that are pretty nice. Many people call this the "emo" or "scene" hang out, but really it's just a bunch of people with creative styles who are pretty fun to talk to. I myself hang out at this location, but I figured it would still be a good idea to interview someone.
Romeobabe: Hi Steph, do you normally hang out at the Tables?
Jephrey1: Yes I do.
Romeobabe: Would you say people at the Tables are pretty open to people with all styles?
Jephrey1: Yes, I think that most people here are open to different styles of dressing.
Romeobabe: How would you describe your personal style?
Jephrey1: Uniquely me :).

So as you can see another great place to hang out at is the Tables. It's a place you can really go all out on your fashion and look as creative as you possibly can. Some of the styles currently running through this hang out are: layered hair, snake bites, hair clips, large sunglasses, open hands, and hoodies. And if you need help finding some parts to fit in I have a few names for you.
For a great add on to any hair try:
You fruiT
For a creative mouth try:
Snake Bitesss
For a fun accessory try:
blue scenexcore kercheif
I hope this article helped you find a place to hang out, or perhaps just some new parts to try :).
x3 romeobabe