Everyone has seen them. 50% like them, 50% hate them. What are they? Ads. Ads are things that companies use to get costumers attention. Maybe on the high-way you will see one on a billboard. But in this case we are talking about the ads on Whyville. People may disagree with their opinions on them. So I went out and found four Whyvillians to interview.
First, I interviewed Emmi5555.
Kindgirl9: What do you think about the ads on Whyville?
Emmi5555: I don't like them because they get in the way and it makes my computer work harder.
Kindgirl9: Why do you feel that way about the ads?
Emmi5555: Because I think that they are taking over Whyville. That Whyville is just trying to get money from us instead of educating us. I do not like them at all!
Kindgirl9: Would you rather have the ads stay or go?
Emmi5555: I really think that they should go!!!
Kindgirl9: What ad do you want gone the most?
Emmi5555: I really want that Kajeet ad to go.
Kindgirl9: Okay thank you so much for answering my questions. :}
Emmi5555: No trouble I'll do it anytime.
Next, I interviewed Imandyxo9.
Kindgirl9: What do you think about the ads on Whyville?
Imandyxo9: I think the ads are great.
Kindgirl9: Why do you feel that way about the ads?
Imandyxo9: Because they give you information.
Kindgirl9: Would you rather have the ads stay or go?
Imandyxo9: Stay.
Kindgirl9: What ad do you want gone the most?
Imandyxo9: What they think about.
Kindgirl9: Okay thanks for answering my questions.
Imandyxo9: No problem.
After that, I interviewed Stylebuny.
Kindgirl9: What do you think about the ads on Whyville?
Stylebuny: Well some are good but some are well let's just say some are ones that people think are boring but that's ok, right??
Kindgirl9: Why do you feel that way about the ads?
Stylebuny: That their just trying their best (by that I mean the owner) to be the best and try to get people interested.
Kindgirl9: Would you rather have the ads stay or go?
Stylebuny: I'd say stay because I like them.
Kindgirl9: What ad do you want gone the most?
Stylebuny: Well actually I like them all so like none.
Kindgirl9: Thank you for taking time to answer my questions.
Don't worry only one more interview to go. This time it is Bankofdad.
Kindgirl9: What do you think about the ads on Whyville?
Bankofdad: First of all I love ads because, if it wasn't for the ads on a site I was on I wouldn't have Whyville. I think that some of the Whyville ads are interesting. I see ads on games and ads on different sites. I've clicked a few and played a couple of games such as "Chicktionary," a word puzzle.
Kindgirl9: Why do you feel that way about the ads?
Bankofdad: I feel this way about ads because, I think that it's a great way to explore different sites.
Kindgirl9: Would you rather have the ads stay or go?
Bankofdad: I'd like to keep the ads, you never know if one day you find a better site or a fun, cool, creative game.
Kindgirl9: What ad do you want gone the most?
Bankofdad: I don't wish for any ad to go because, maybe other people enjoy ads too.
Kindgirl9: Thanks you had great answers!
Wow. There were many reasons why Whyville should keep ads and shouldn't. If you go to the Poll Booth you might find some petitions on taking away the ads. I have seen a few of them. Maybe if you see someone's petition like that you can y-mail them and see what they think!
I hope this changes your idea of the ads on any web sites not just this one. Go play "Chicktionary" like Bankofdad or find a cool web site. This has been Kindgirl9 hoping you give ads another chance. *click*
Author's Note: I would like to thank all of the Whyvillians who allowed me to interviewed them. If you y-mailed me and didn't get to be interviewed I'm sorry. Maybe next time! And remember click on some ads you will never know if you like them without trying them.