And we return, with the next episode of "The Scion Stealing Ninja". We last saw the ninja as he was running over Morgan, Christa, and Sam right after he stole their scion. Can they get it back? We begin our story at the pharmacy; they are there to get medicine. But who could that be with the halo and the wings . . . none other than the scion stealing ninja!
So they decide to follow him . . . but what has caused this sudden change of heart in the ninja?
Wow, he really did return the scion, they can't believe it. They decide to give him a ride in it because he was so kind to give it back.
But things don't turn out as planned!
So it was a trick!! There's only one person who can help them in this situation, Chuck Norris!
Chuck Norris arrives at the scene . . .
Does Chuck Norris look a little different to you today? Find out what happens in the next episode of "The Scion Stealing Ninja".