In the last episode of "The Scion Stealing Ninja" Shane and Zach had just run away from the WHYBI. But will they get caught?? NO! Because they have found disguises, and now they're back . . . and with bad news!
What could be MORE important than Shane and Zach coming back to help them capture the ninja?
What is Zach talking about? Is Shane telling the truth?
Shane is telling the truth! What are they going to do??? But they don't have time to do anything . . . before the ninja finds out they're on to him. And there's a price to pay for finding out the ninja's secrets . . . the ninja pushes Sam out into the pool of no return!
They try to save Sam, they try to pull her out, but they just can't. Sam gets sucked into the pool of no return, well uh . . . never to return. Can they go on without Sam? Will the ninja get any of the others? Find out what happens next in the next episode of "The Scion Stealing Ninja".