Lately I've been seeing a bunch of ads around. Yes, by ads, I mean advertisements. And NO -- not the kind that they have on Whyville, ones that advertised COMICS!
They're pretty weird, yet pretty cool!
Here's the advertisement for "The Scion Stealing Ninja!":
It looks as if the scion stealing ninja is kind of mad . . . I suppose since he's the villain he should be up there.
Holiday50 was putting magazines on windshields of cars with her interview about the show!
Or, if you want to see the magazine by itself . . .
And wow! "The Shampoo Opera"'s creator, Vancyon, went ALL OUT with his advertisement! He paid for a bus advertisement. It's pretty neat-tastic.
How do you think these are? Do you want me to do any other comics? Just send me y-mails and I'll give them advertisements
This has been Ps2man1, and I'm off to feed my cat *click!*
(Thanks to the comics, and myself for making these advertisements. LoL!)