www.whyville.net Feb 20, 2008 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

All About Dreams, Nightmares, and People

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Have you encountered any weird dreams or nightmares? I sure have! And this fun article is all about people just like you and me and their dreams. I had some of my close friends tell me about their experiences and I chose the most bizarre ones so this series will keep you hooked! First I interviewed Carmelloi with quite an awkward nightmare!

MssLovely: Hey Carmelloi, had any weird dreams lately? One that could stand out from any other dreams?
Carmelloi: Hey MssLovely! Yes! You will never believe it! I had a dream about Zac Efron, High School, and alarm clocks!
MssLovely: So what happened?
Carmelloi: I was in High School and Zac Efron kept saying "Jessie, Mary had a little lamb, Mary had a little lamb," OVER AND OVER again! So after he said it about 10 trillion times, my dream's alarm clock went off which sounded a lot like mine. So, I woke up and hit the snooze button because the ring sounded so real. So I forced myself out of bed. I took a shower, dressed up for school, ate breakfast, and went outside to wait for the school bus to come and whisk me away. I waited one hour and twenty minutes and I thought I had missed my bus already, so I checked my watch and it was 3:18 in the morning. Then, I realized I woke up to my dream's alarm clock, not the real one.
MssLovely: Wow! I would hate to do that! Didn't you notice the sun wasn't out?
Carmelloi: Well, I was half asleep, but I thought a solar eclipse was going on.

After I heard this story I laughed my head off and hoped so much that this wouldn't happen to me! Well, so far it hasn't but you never know! Next I interviewed BrianLYx3 with this interesting story.

MssLovely: Hey Brian, have a dream you'd like to share that you will never forget?
BrianLYx3: Hey MssLovely! Thanks for finally giving me this opportunity! Well, this all started out in real life. A week ago, I finished my three paged math homework and set it on my desk in my bedroom, then I went outside to play with my neighbors. Well, my dog must've climbed up on my chair and he must've taken my homework and hid it in the back of my mom's closet. The next day when I went to school WITHOUT my homework, my math teacher got mad at me. So I told her it disappeared into thin air. Well, of course, as always, she didn't believe me so I got detention. That night I had the strangest dream! I was going in my mom's closet and for some reason I dug through her clothes and found a secret door. I pushed it open and I found myself in a video game.
BrianLYx3: I know! So, anyway I basically played myself in a video game. So, the next night I dreamt the same thing again, and then the next night I dreamt it again, and over again. So, one Saturday morning when I woke up, I went in the back of my mom's closet and there was my three paged math homework. All ripped up and torn to pieces. I think I'm psychic.
MssLovely: Okay Brian! Thanks for your time! That must've been quite a dream! Did you ever tell your teacher the TRUTH?
BrianLYx3: Naaaah! Decided not to. I'll keep this little adventure to my self.

I've never gotten detention and I'll make sure my parrot doesn't fly away with MY math homework! Well, last but not least I interviewed MagicalQT (aka the psychic).

MssLovely: Hey Magical!
MagicalQT: Hola hola MssLovely!
MssLovely: So, you call yourself a psychic. Explain that a little better by what you mean.
MagicalQT: Well, I dream something and then the next day it happens, but it isn't like something you would do EVERY day, like breathing, talking, eating, sleeping, etc.
MssLovely: Could you give me some examples?
MagicalQT: Okay, so one night I had this horrible nightmare where all the kids in our school had Heelys for feet. (Heelys are shoes with wheels on the heel and you can roll around). So, they would wheel to their classes and wheel to their desks. Even the teachers and principal had Heelys on for feet! Well, the next day (in real life) the principal came on the morning announcements and said, "Students . . . I have been seeing people with Heelys on and I want to remind everyone that heelys are prohibited in school!" So once I heard that my mouth just fell open, because that was something you don't hear everyday.
MssLovely: Wow your dream prediction was right! Only . . . opposite.
MagicalQT: I know, and sometimes I dream what we will have in the cafeteria the next day. I dreamt the Sloppy Joe Hamwich commercial over and over again and the next day . . . Hamwiches for lunch.
MssLovely: Well! That must've been surprising!
MagicalQT: OH! And one time-
MssLovely: My goodness how time flies I must get going and thanks for your time! Bye!

Most people dream things related to school. Is that because you worry too much about it? Sometimes my friends from school are in it too. Has school taken over our lives?! Well, I hope you liked this funny little article about people's dreams so stick around for more interviews from your very own Whyville citizens!



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