If you missed last week's edition: As I was teasing some Newbies, a ghost appeared and showed me how I was when I was new. She told me to wait there until the Ghost of Whyville Present came, so I have been waiting ever since and have been pretty bored . . . anyway take a look what happened next.
As I was daydreaming, the ghost teleported us a couple days back when it all began . . .
Teleporting back, I realized that it doesn't matter what's on the outside, but the inside that counts!
Boy, I'm getting tired of all this waiting, but this is definitely the weirdest thing that has happened to me ever since I started this whole computer website. See you next week!
Bully: ooodude85
Ghost of Whyville Present: Mzblah
Newbie 1: cowkris91
Newbie 2: eli24
Newbie 3: hockey771