If you missed last week . . . the Ghost of Whyville Present gave me a visit, after a long and boring wait, and showed me that it's not what's on the outside but on the inside that counts!
I had been waiting about . . . hmm let me think . . . FOREVER! . . . and this Ghost of Whyville Future was running pretty late (figures). So this is what I did during the LONG and BORING wait:
First, I played with my yo-yo . . .
Then, I tried to call the president, and amazingly, got through!
Then I performed an open-heart surgery!
I did the first human clone . . .
And last, I built a rocket ship and went to Pluto . . . but I had to pack an extra pair of mittens!
Hopefully, the ghost will be here next time . . . darn you ghost!
Thanks for tuning in, goodbye!
Author's Note: I'm so sorry about this, I forgot to write down the username of my open-heart patient, so if you see this, y-mail me and tell me who you are and I will put it in the next episode!