www.whyville.net Aug 17, 2008 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

Miss Perfect: The Conclusion

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There he was, blonde hair and all, sitting on the bench in front of the flagpole. Inside, music was blaring so loud I could hear it a block away. He slowly walked up to me.

"Are you the person who sent me that letter?" I inquired.

"Yeah . . . I thought it was obvious," he replied sheepishly.

"It wasn't. Um . . . do you want to go inside?" I asked.

"Sure, inside. Am I supposed to walk you in or anything," he replied.

"Nah, I think I can escort myself," I said.

When we got in, I caught up with Meagan.

"Who's your date? Is he a hottie?" she wondered.

I pointed him out. Slowly, Meagan's look of happiness curled into a frown of disapproval.

"Garrett? But he's . . . he's so gross," Meagan said in disgust.

I glanced over at him. He was pouring himself some punch, but Garrett he slipped and the cup landed on his head, leaving him in a sticky mess of pink goo. Meagan had a devilish look on her face as if to say, "Let's embarrass him to the next century."

She walked over to the snack table and with a grunt, tipped over the table . . . on him! In "Matrix" slow-motion, I sprang up and seated myself next to him as he got dumped by food. I was covered in the noodle salad, and he had some barbecue chips in his hair.

Then, Meagan started to cackle meanly at not only Garrett, but me, as well. She started to point at us and call me 'noodle girl' and him 'BBQ boy'. I was humiliated, and Garrett stood up and ran out of the dance, trying to fight tears.

I chased after him and found him at the flagpole, calling a taxicab. I turned around to see Meagan and her friends laughing their heads off. I stomped over to Meagan, held my head up high, and the following conversation took place.

"What did you do that for?" I asked.

"For my enjoyment, but you ruined it," she replied.

"How did I ruin it? It was a cruel joke!" I yelled.

"Yes, but everyone laughed at it," Meagan said, trying to fish for excuses.

"You trashed the house!" I screamed back.

"Eh, they have a maid. She'll clean it up," she laughed.

"Well, here's some news for you. I'm not your friend anymore and if your 'friends' have any common sense, they would do the same," I said, trying to encourage the other people to join my side.

All of her friends walked over to my side. All of their fangs started to shrink, along with mine. Then, little white lights appeared on our hands. More lights. All of the lights kept on adding up until we were encrusted in them. Then, we circled into the air, and the lights exploded. We fell to the ground. We all still looked the same, except Meagan had been turned back into her trailer home-self.

Garrett walked up to me and said, "Katie, I knew you had in yourself. You always were standing up for the new kids, and befriended them. All of these people standing before you are going to turn back into themselves by tomorrow. You, on the other hand, are going to stay beautiful, because you have unlocked true beauty."

Then, he put the brush in my hand. I knew what I had to do. I set it down on the ground, and smashed it to pieces. I now know that if you are true to yourself, your inner beauty will shine through.



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