www.whyville.net Aug 24, 2008 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

What You Don't See: Part 10

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We were gagged with our hands tied behind our backs. The man trailed from behind just in case we tried to make a run for it. He led us to his van and shoved us in the back. I looked over at Jonathan's face, it was hurt, and saddened. He eyes looked up at me then he quickly looked back down. He blamed himself for this. No, no, no it wasn't his fault.

We stopped five times for only going to the bathroom and eating a little food. I was exhausted bad starving.

The van shook beneath us as it drove over the uneven ground. I whispered, "Jonathan . . . " I don't know why I whispered. It made me feel safe that I was still alive, and sane enough to speak. There was silence and he didn't answer back. I didn't want to think about what would happen to us so I started scooting over to sit beside Jonathan. He stiffened when I reached him.

"Aren't you mad at me?" his whispered his voice hurt.

"No, it's not your fault. Don't think that."

He sighed. I stared in front of me at the blackened window. I wasn't looking at it though. I was thinking. Back to the debate inside my head, do I like him, or not? I thought of all the good times we had and I smiled to myself. He made a mistake, so what? But . . . ow. My lip is bleeding from biting it.

I turned to look at Jonathan his face had bruises and there were bags under his eyes. For some reason I wanted to kiss him. He looked so innocent, and perfect. Jonathan turned his head to look at me and I didn't turn away.

"Thanks," I said.

"For what? Almost getting you killed?" Jonathan muttered.

"No, for everything," I whispered as I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I blushed in the darkness of the van. I bit my lip again, I couldn't believe I just did that.

Jonathan's voice was so soft I could barely hear it, "Can I promise you something? I promise I'll get you out of here."

My eyes faced down at my legs, avoiding Jonathan's gaze. I was at a loss for words so I just shook my head yes. I pulled my knees up to my chest and put my head between my knees. My head had started to bleed again and I had a big headache.

"You okay?"

"Mhm," I choked.

"No you aren't. Let me see." He wiggled until he could see the blood trailing down my head. I heard a ripping noise and he had ripped his shirt and put it against my head. I winced.

The van started slowing down and then completely stopped. We both toppled over when the door opened. I squinted my eyes at the bright sun, how long have we been in the van? I glanced over at Jonathan his face was hard with anger. His jaw was locked as we were pulled out of the back. In the light we could both see each others' injuries. He looked pretty messed up, I wonder how I looked. The man turned around and headed to the passenger's side. Jonathan did something I didn't expect. With a grunt he kicked the man in the small of his back with all of his strength. The man fell face forward into the dirt.

The man slowly started to get up. I stalked over and kicked him in the side. As I was about to kick him again Jonathan took the knife tried to cut his bonds. I tried to help, but it was hard when both of our hands were behind our backs. Finally, we got loose and Jonathan grabbed me and putting in into the seat of the van. He went back and tied the unconscious man up with rope. He got in the Driver's seat and started the engine.

"What are you doing?" I screeched.

"Getting you away from here." He said calmly while easing the van forward.

"I'm keeping my promise. Do you trust me?" He turned his face to look at me.

"Yeah, drive."

While he drove I fumbled with the glove box to get to the cell phone. It was stuck so I slammed my fist into the drawer and it opened. My hands were shaking as I dialed 911. I told the woman what had happened in broken event, leaving out the creatures. I probably didn't make any sense I was talking so fast. I took a deep breath.

"Sweety where are you?"

"I-I don't k-know." I stuttered. I searched the road for sign and up ahead I saw something.

The sign read " Crystal Street" It pointed to a dirt road.

"I see a s-sign, it says C-rystal St-reet."

"Okay honey the police are coming."

I started sobbing into the phone. I didn't hang up I wanted comfort from the phone. Jonathan pulled over at the dirt road and got out of the car. I clumsily got out and he hugged me.

We stood there like that until the cops got there. The ambulance showed up and we both bandaged and asked questions. The cops went out to get the man we left behind. He came back handcuffed. He was yelling something about fairies and his revenge for his brother. I looked away and turned back to the nice police officer asking me the details.

"How long have you been gone?"

"I don't know we got taken on Thursday I think."

"Oh gosh! Captain come here these are the missing kids from south of here!" She yelled across to the head officer.

"How long?" I asked.

"You've been gone for four days."

That long, I thought, my mom must be worried to death,

"Can I call my mom?"

"Of course."

She handed me a phone and I dialed my number. It rang once and then was picked up.

Hhello?" My mom's voice was panicked.

"Mom, it's me I-I'm fine."

She didn't talk I think she was speechless, so I handed the phone over to the lady. She left and went to explain what had happened.

I walked over to Jonathan to was sitting in the back of the ambulance getting cleaned up. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I leaned there and focused on Jonathan's slow even breathing. I listened to that until I feel asleep.


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