It's that time of year. Back to school.
The bright green plants of the summer fade to all shades of yellow and orange . . . the sound of seagulls and waves is replaced by that of school bells and pencil sharpeners . . . the smell of sunscreen turns into the one of smell of crisp, blank sheets of paper . . . the taste of cold, sweet Popsicles is gone, and what the school claims to be cafeteria "food" is in its place.
So, those new notebooks won't fit on the kitchen table with that mountain of Popsicle sticks in the way. Sounds like it's time to find a new use for it! (The mountain of Popsicle sticks, not the kitchen table. TRY to keep up with me, here!)
Credit for this week's idea goes to punkhoty. Y-mail me if you wantto see your suggestion in my next article!
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
Author's Note: Quote by Mark Twain. Sources for pictures: