The ship rock across the waves
The ocean threatening each movement
The twists and turns, the risks
There's no hazard signs anymore
Not out here, there is no help
There's no hero to save me
Alone with no one to love
Am I not good enough?
Is that why I am exiled?
I drop in to the darkness
I need to find the surface
I can't reach it on my own
The ocean feeds on living things
eating up with it's monstrous jaws
Pulling me down deeper and deeper
You grasp my hand and pulled
Never giving up hope
And finally I recovered
I don't deserve you I understand
But still you don't leave
You get me through those bad dreams
Oh why? Why now has my love come?
I can't lose you or I will surely die
My heat, my life, my heart
You rock me as the ship rocks you
Do you love me this much?
We can survive this trip I know it
Can you see it? In the distance
It's comfort, and love. I have found it.
"It's land sweetie, we are safe."
But are we ever safe?
But for now,
I am safe with him.