www.whyville.net Jan 31, 2002 Weekly Issue

What To Do With Why-Passes

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What To Do With Why-Passes

Guest Writer

Hey, Zoey100 here! I interviewed some people about Why-Passes. You're thinking, oh no, not Why-Passes! But my interview is a little bit different. I interviewed some people and I'll show some stats at the end.

First I interviewed Kresia2K.

Me: Do you have a Why-Pass?
Kresia2K: No, and it's bad because you can't sign on when you want and you have to wait.
Me: Do you think that City Hall should give out a few free Why-Passes each month to people who don't have them?
Kresia2K: Yeah, to make it easier on some of us who don't have them.
Me: Do you think that people that do have Why-Passes should have a time limit on Whyville everyday so that others can get on?
Kresia2K: No, because they paid for it, so they should have them.
Me: Ok, thanx for your time!

Next I interviewed xoxangel.

Me: Do you have a Why-Pass?
xoxangel: No, but I really want one.
Me: Do you think that City Hall should give out a few free Why-Passes every month to people who don't have one?
xoxangel: No, because Whyville needs to make money and lots of people don't have Why-Passes.
Me: Do you think that the people with Why-Passes should have a time limit on Whyville everyday so that others can get on?
xoxangel: No... I don't think so either... they paid for the Why-Passes with their money and it isn't fair if they just get kicked off.
Me: Thanx for your time!
xoxangel: n/p

Next I interviewed Destiny10.

Me: Do you have a Why-Pass?
Destiny10: No.
Me: Do you think that City Hall should give out a few free Why-Passes every month to people who don't have one?
Destiny10: Um, yes I do.
Me: Do you think that people with Why-Passes should have a time limit on Whyville everyday so that others can get on?
Destiny10: Um, no, not really, cuz if I get a Why-Pass I'll want to be on for a long time.
Me: Thanx for your time!
Destiny10: You're welcome.

Lastly I interviewed a couple, MissMango and gubgrub.

Me: Do you have a Why-Pass?
MissMango: No.
gubgrub: Nope.
MissMango: Me wish I did.
gubgrub: Me too.
Me: Do you think that City Hall should give out a few free Why-Passes every month to people who don't have one?
MissMango: No.
gubgrub: No, then no one would buy one.
MissMango: Yeah, they wouldn't make any money. They should have contests for them.
Me: Do you think that people with Why-Passes should have a time limit on Whyville everyday so that others can get on?
MissMango: Well....
gubgrub: Um....
MissMango: Like an hour.
gubgrub: Like 2 or 3 hours.
MissMango: Yeah, what he said.
Me: Thanx for your time!
MissMango: E welcome! =)
gubgrub: I have a question.
Me: Yes?
gubgrub: Do you have a Why-Pass?
Me: No I don't, my parents won't let me have one. =(

Well, those were the people I interviewed. Now for the stats I took. On January 3, 2002, I went to the Pool Party, the Playground, the Sportzplatz, and the Square, and asked all of the people if they did or didn't own a Why-Pass.

  • Pool Party: Yes - 0 / No - 4
  • Playground: Yes - 2 / No - 6
  • SportzPlatz: Yes - 1 / No - 3
  • Square: Yes - 0 / No - 1

There were a lot of people in these rooms, but not all of them answered my questions.

Here's my own answers to MY questions:

No I don't have a Why-Pass. My parents have been through the site with me but they still believe that the internet is too dangerous and that it's best that I can't get on Whyville. I TOTALLY disagree.

No, they shouldn't give out Why-Passes because then everyone would hope to get one and not even try to buy one.

No they shouldn't have a certain amount of time because they bought it with real money and that's like stealing.

Ok, this is Zoey100 saying,
Byes, peace, have a GREAT day!



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