Hey! Lilbeaut is back. I'm here with money for fun. Money for fun? What's
that? Read on...
Money for fun is just an imperfect term I've made up for Why-Passes. You've
probably heard a lot about them in my recent article, Whyvillians' Why-Pass
Now, Why-Passes aren't EXACTLY all fun. You have to sign up for them, send in
the money (my least favorite part), then wait awhile until you receive it. But,
on the other hand, when you do get it...
You race to your computer. CLICK. Get your network to dial and type
Whyville.net. Type in your screen name and pass and, AT LAST, you don't get
that annoying waiting room stuff. Instead, you're instantly in Whyville, chatting
and learning at once!
It's money for fun, everyone! Do you want to receive that
8/10 waiting room invitation? Why not just spend a few bucks and enjoy your
favorite website. Buy a Why-Pass today in our own annoying waiting room! (I sound like a mattress sales guy, LoL!)
Gotta Bounce....