Miles and miles between us
won't do a thing to damage the love I feel for you.
With all of the people surrounding me
saying how perfect we are for each other,
sometimes I wonder what is true.
You've been my strength for so long
and I've been getting stronger on my own with your help.
It scares me to think that you could be gone.
To leave me here, in the dust.
Like we never had anything at all.
I know you promised you wouldn't do that to me.
But people break promises don't they?
I trust you . . . or try to.
I've never trusted someone as much as I trust you.
You know my every secret, and thought. It's as if you were a part of me already.
Before we even met, you were a piece of my fractured soul.
Tomorrow will be a year since you saved me from myself.
I won't ever forget that.
Thanks for being my best friend, my strength, and having faith in me when mine
runs out.
I couldn't ask for someone more amazing than you.
Happy Birthday, I love you.