www.whyville.net Sep 12, 2002 Weekly Issue

Saved for a Rainy Day

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Saved for a Rainy Day

Times Writer

What's kicking, y'all? Have you heard about all the flooding in Asia and Europe? Just a little bit of water involved....

Anyway, I just read Girlyleo's article called "Saving For a Rainy Day", about how some people may not have enough money to buy enough food to keep their faces healthy (and happy). True enough, but I'd like to add my own thoughts.

First of all, in real life, there are people who are homeless and don't get enough to eat. And, without a doubt, there will certainly be people in Whyville who will face the same hardships. I therefore have two ideas, based on real life charities.

If the nutrition game is established, Whyville should have a food bank. Just as we are able to donate bricks, furniture and face parts to Grandma, we should also be able to donate food. Pretty basic.

And then there's Girlyleo's point that there may not always be enough food. I have worked at Soup Kitchens before. You know, where people can come and get a bowl of soup and sandwich to keep them going for a while? Why not have one on Whyville? Of course, there would be limit to who could take food, and what you could consume each day.

Of course, if you're just making it by, you'll be able to live. Maybe you'll have to give up that expensive shirt for a couple more days, but so what? Take City Hall for example, even though she can't pay her employees the money she'd like, she still has to buy food with the money she does have. It's a fact of life, so learn to accept it.

I can point out another problem, though... everyone eats different things. For example, vegetarians can't exactly live a healthy life when they are only eating carrots. And it's not how much you eat, it's what you eat. How is City Hall going to deal with something like that? Look at our selection of food in a grocery store. Will there be that much stuff in Whyville?

Anyway, I need a snack. How about some cheesy Pringles (tm)? This is Giggler01, off to munch... (I am very aware that is a very lame pun... but hey, you gotta love it!)



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