www.whyville.net Mar 14, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Frivolous Report

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Hello everyone,

My little brother was recently reported for a frivolous reason. And as we all know, when someone reports you, you are usually taped. Is this really fair? Why do we have so much power? Anyone can send in a fake report and then tape whomever they feel like. This seems dangerous to me, so I propose that Whyville creates a conflict resolution program, similar to the peer-mediator group at my school.

Here is how a peer-mediation works:

When there is a conflict between students (or Whyville citizens) they are sent to the peer mediators. The students are sat down with just two or three of their peers that have been specially trained to help solve the problem. It is completely confidential, nothing ever leaves the room.

There are only a few rules:

1) No name calling. Just tell your side of the story, the facts, and how you feel about what happened.

2) There is no judging. The mediators cannot set any punishment. However, they help the students to come to solution on their own. If a solution cannot be reached, the case is then reviewed by an official, and punishments are set.

I think that this program would really help Whyville. Citizens can be chosen by Whyville officials as mediators. So City Hall, please think about this. We really need a program like this, and this citizen I talked to agree:

Me: Do you know what a conflict resolution program is?
Huneybun: Umm... not really.
Me: A conflict resolution program is where other trained citizens help solve your problems, not Whyville officials.
Huneybun: That sounds like a good idea; but I don't know, citizens can be kind of brutal.
Me: That is very true, but the citizens would be hand-picked by Whyville officials. They would be trained, also.
Huneybun: Yes, that sounds like a good idea.
Me: Thank you for your time.
Huneybun: You're welcome.

*Note: I changed capitalization and spelling from the original interview.

Okay, well I hope everyone thinks about this. It seems like a good idea to me!

Signing off,


Editor's Note: People who submit false reports are always punished. If you're reported for something you're innocent of, and are still punished, that means *someone* used your account in that way. City Hall only mutes people if there is evidence of a crime. Crimes in Whyville include bad language, sexual harassment, racism, and asking for or giving out unsafe personal information. Check out the Whyville Callbox Instructions to learn more!


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