BirdGirl explains a unique pasttime.
Heylo, BirdGirl here. I've written two other articles that got published and a bunch that didn't, and now I decided to write about something in my life. People that do this have many untrue stereotypes about them. If my friends could describe me in a few words (and I did ask them) they would say that I was funny, smart, and extremely hyper. I'm the last person you would expect to... *drum roll, please*... knit!
Vegan & Vegetarian
Mikay37 covers a variety of vegetable concerns.
I would like to clear up any confusion about vegetarians and vegans. As a vegetarian myself, I am kind of tired of people saying, "People who are vegetarians think meat is gross" or "Being a vegan is impossible, and you'll die because you won't get enough calcium." Well, I have news for you: it's possible!