www.whyville.net Mar 14, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Relaxation and Nature

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To Biophilia, or not to Biophilia, that is the rhetorical question! (Like you have a Choice?!)

I was reading an article in YM (October 2002 issue), and it really caught my eye. It was about nature and relaxation. It intrigued me so much I decided to further look into it.

Does where you live influence how you feel emotionally? Try closing your eyes and imagining bright, beautifully colored autumn trees, a gently swaying field of flowers with butterflies and the glistening sun beating down on you.

Do you feel any more relaxed? Do you feel a pleasant surge of energy? If so, you are having a sense of biophilia. Sounds like you have some kind of disease, right? WRONG! Biophilia is the "love of living things."

According to research, people who have offices with windows feel less stressed at work and get more done with less anxiety. Yes, biophilia is why people feel the need to go to the refreshing mountains, beaches, and safaris for vacation. City dwellers enjoy going to the park because of this certain "love of living things."

This means that if you lived in a dark, enclosed space with no windows or scenery, you would be more depressed and morbid than someone who lived in the country or had windows that overlooked a luscious landscape or garden. Even having pets around has been proven to lower your blood pressure. This is why people who are old and senile but have pets generally seem to be happier. This fact could also be related to the person seems to be needed by the pet, but that's off subject.

So if you are frustrated and feel like nothing is going your way, go hop a cab to the country (or park, whichever the case) and take a deep breath.

This is An9el, concluding, I'm a biophile as you probably are too. Now go, go and find a park, beach, or botanical garden, something near you and enjoy it! As for me I'm going for a walk to take in the scenery.


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