Whyville Times readers!
Welcome to the Whyville Times Crossword Puzzle! To solve the puzzle, you'll need to read the Times -- you'll find most of the answers buried in the articles written by your fellow citizens. The more you read, the easier the puzzle will be!
Once you've filled in every Up and every Down, the "Submit" button should hilight on your screen. Hit submit and you're home free!
The first ten people to solve and submit the crossword will receive at least 100 clams. Everyone else who correctly answers the puzzle will get a 20-40 clam bonus!!!
Okay, enough talk... time to crossword!
#whytimes_xword( 205 13 16 "13|16|12|*.*.**********.*.*********........******.*.**********.....**********.***********...........***.**.**.*********.**.*******......******.**.**.******.....*.******.**.**.*****......*.******.**.**.*********.**.***|a3|3 Artioposthia triangulata|a4|4 Mimi returned from ____|a5|5 No-carb period?|a8|8 Pnik's recovered face part|a10|10 New planet?|a11|11 Little House author Ingalls-______|d1|1 What's planted in the onion in 'Leyla'?|d2|2 Proposed Smart Cars race day|d6|6 Hawaiian sayings|d7|7 The first woman in space|d9|9 You can use this to make text pictures" )