www.whyville.net Mar 13, 2005 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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Okay, I know I'm not the ONLY Harry Potter fanatic in Whyville. I mean, thousands of children are entertained every year by this fun character, his friends, and his storylines. Because of her work with Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling is my favorite author.

If any of you read Disney Magazine, you probably already know this and therefore don't need to read this article. A couple weeks ago, I was waltzing through the supermarket where what do I see but Disney Magazine, a 'zine I'd gotten a few times when I was younger. Something on the cover caught my eye -- Daniel Radcliffe's face!

Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter in the current movies, by the way. So, I picked up the magazine right quick. I saw there was an article that was all about... you guessed it, the FOURTH MOVIE!

Number 3 is my favorite book, but I personally think they slaughtered it in the movie. This is merely an opinion. Anyway, the upcoming film looks a bit closer to the original book, I think.

I got to see the performers in their dress robes, and I approve. The new movie should be coming out late this year or early next year, if I understand right.

The point is, if you like the Harry Potter books and/or the movies, go see this. It's not like I'm advertising. Please write an article sharing your opinion, too! I'd like to read more about what folks think about this movie and the others.

Clicking off, this is kacykacy. TTFN!


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