I met up with my friend Andy109 the other day, and congratulated him on earning
the Good Citizen Award. I figured I might as well do a short interview with
him while I was at it. I mean, he's a Good Citizen!
Ps2man1: Hey Andy! So, you won the Good Citizen Award, am I right?
Andy109: Yes, I did.
Ps2man1: So how long have you been on Whyville for?
Andy109: Oh, wow. :-) I always forget. Five years now since April.
Ps2man1: Oh, wow! That's a long time! I heard City Hall chose you at
the Meet the Makers meeting. Is this true? Why?
Andy109:I don't know for sure how it hapened -- I'm just happy
I got nominated in the first place. :-) City Hall is a good friend of mine,
though. So, just in case, thanks, City Hall! =D Oops! I have to go. Sorry. See
you next time!
Ps2man1: You too! Thanks for the interview.
Andy is also a Y-mail helper, who can nominate people to win the Good Citizen
Award, so be good!
And now it's time for me to pursue a career in politics. See
you later!