The Etrnl * Fridge? The Etrnl * Table? What in
the world is Etrnl *?
What about that Dresser for her? Or the Dresser for
him? Who made those?
Who suggested the idea for the beach? Who suggested the ability
to open someone's own store to make face parts? Or a people map?
A long while ago, I was part of the Whyville community. A very
active part. Of course, I was also very young back then (I believe I was still
in elementary school), and I ended up losing my password in an attempt to advertise
my face part store. Wow, that was a really long time ago.
I had a long line of clothing. I was active in the newspaper
with my "Last Frontier" series and the Why-Files. (OK, yeah, it was
an odd idea, but at the time I was excited to get published.) I even sat down
and designed several types of furniture for the new houses. And I was only nine
years old.
I was Etrnl *.