Looking out on the road to infinity
Lined with golden lights, floating overhead,
Dangling by the thread of reality
Questioning their existance,
One flickers, wavering,
Unsure of its purpose
Higher still,
Leaving the auric glow to memory,
Stitched to the fabric of sky
Stretches a night time fog,
Drawing its pictures in twists and turns
Dancing alone to the heartbeat of the wind
A wolf howls in the distance
And I only turn my eyes slightly towards the rebel cry
Watching from behind the frostbitten glass
Now cracking with primitive erosion
Lacerations like stones that won't move for a daemon
Spread across my reflection 'til end meets upon end,
And I'm left in shattered bits and pieces,
An absurd puzzle with missing fragments
Yet one that expects to be complete
So while the light flickers,
And its reflection on the wet cement echoes into space;
While the hazy mist hangs unbelievably from nothing
And paints its anti-impressionistic art;
While the wolf's ear piercing bay flies from mountain to mountain;
While I watch years pass in seconds,
I continue to be chaos