www.whyville.net Feb 17, 2006 Weekly Issue

Senate Debate Transcript

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Here is the Senate Debate transcript from the debate held last weekend. Please read through it carefully and use it to help make your decision on who to vote for. Voting will be up for approximately one week. Also, please remain respectful in your discussions in the BBS.

scyllaCat Welcome to the Senate Debate!
ps2man1 Hi scylla!
mitsuy scylla :)
scyllaCat apologies for the mummy mask - no tenuf vitaminD
willis4 Pharoh Pharoh, ohh baby, let my peopl go, oo ah, yahayhayhayh
scyllaCat lol - hi all!!!
ps2man1 throw vitamin D 180
mitsuy lol!
mitsuy woot!
willis4 Bonjour Le cat de mummy. ;o
mitsuy gl guys!
scyllaCat Our candidates tonight are, in alphabetical order: mitsuy, ps2man1, and willis4
ps2man1 yay!
mitsuy :)
willis4 Hmm coincodence of an order.
scyllaCat You all ran good campaings! CONGRATS!
ps2man1 yeah
willis4 Tank you :)
mitsuy agreed :)
ps2man1 thanks scylla
willis4 Thank you :)
ps2man1 I'm so excited :}
mitsuy :D
scyllaCat Thank you for being here tonight, candidates.
ps2man1 ANYTIME!
mitsuy thank u >
willis4 My pleasure.
mitsuy :)
mitsuy ditto
scyllaCat And thanks to the audience for coming out to witness this event!
ps2man1 yeah guys! Thank you guys more then us!
mitsuy clap for the audience ^^
willis4 Scylla if I may interupt you, before we debate lets get a big CHESE for any times writers in the audience :)
scyllaCat Let's have a brief opening statement from each candidate. Mitsuy, why don't you get us started.
ps2man1 I'd write an article but I can't lol1
mitsuy okay
mitsuy hello everyone. I am Mitsuy, and i'd like to be ur senator. i've been here for 3 years and
mitsuy though i understand that some of u may prefer others, i think i will make a good senator
willis4 Cheese :) (now listen to mits)!
ps2man1 *listens*
mitsuy and dedication. i plan to expand whyville to it's fullest and benefit not only citizens but the
ps2man1 Scylla's liking that
mitsuy my ideas are more plots, bigger face factory, more clams, and better games. i will
mitsuy also, there is the friend finder. I hope you will all give me a chance to represent u.
ps2man1 Good job!
mitsuy thx :)
willis4 clap
scyllaCat nice!
mitsuy :D
scyllaCat ps2man1 - ur next!
mitsuy go shane!
ps2man1 awesome ok
ps2man1 Well, I'm not quite the public speaker but
ps2man1 First I'd like to say it's an honor to be in the Top 3, and I'd like to thank all of you,
mitsuy :)
ps2man1 And next, I'd like to say that me, mitsuy, and willis4 are good friends and have been for a while.
ps2man1 And NEXT, I'd like to say that you guys shouldn't go too hardcore on the insults =P
scyllaCat lol!
mitsuy lol! *claps for shane*
willis4 'hardcore' touche to that
ps2man1 I think I'd make a good senator, because I have experience.
ps2man1 I'm a times writer, and well. yeah. Vote ps2man1, and I'll make whyville more fun for YOU!
willis4 If im senator I plan to hire judge judy to deal with any misunderstandments
ps2man1 And done =)
willis4 :P
mitsuy gj!
ps2man1 thanks cec
scyllaCat willis4 - finish us up!
ps2man1 willis!
ps2man1 smile
willis4 Aye aye caption scylla
mitsuy :)
willis4 First of, like everyone else I am going to say THANK YOU to everyone who vots/helpd me out
willis4 You have made the correct decision in picking me to represent you this far
ps2man1 Yeah, and same if you voted me =P <_>
willis4 I hope you will all consider my platform, my ideas, and in general, me, Haha to be your next senator
willis4 In order not to sugar coat this too much, thank you, and vote willis4 :)
mitsuy :)
ps2man1 This sure is exciting =)
mitsuy well said<
ps2man1 *I don't have my clap on* clap
scyllaCat Great!
mitsuy neither do i XD
willis4 Hm not as planned :P
willis4 clap
willis4 for mysel >.<
mitsuy blush
mitsuy :P
scyllaCat You all have a lot of ideas for improving Whyville. If you had to pick one, which one would it be and why?
ps2man1 I always forget the hands!
mitsuy thank u guys!
ps2man1 Well
scyllaCat let's start with ps2 this time
ps2man1 hmm give me a minute
mitsuy hm...
ps2man1 I'd probably choose
ps2man1 The zero-gravity rooms, because SO many complicated ideas can't happen, so I'd
scyllaCat Interesting - small change first, then. Tell us more about the Zero-G idea.
ps2man1 Starting small's always awesome. Anyways, these rooms would help citizens do the zero-gravity game without ...
ps2man1 people throwing projectiles at them, whether the people are playing, or playing
ps2man1 So, as long as the people are good with a protractor ( ;) ), they'd get a good 10 clam raise!
ps2man1 I could only get the 10th clam a few days ago at 6 AM, that's 3 ytime!
ps2man1 Anyways, thanks. =)
scyllaCat's Poll Would you want more Zero-G rooms?
scyllaCat click your choice
ps2man1 Yes lol!
scyllaCat good idea, it sounds like!
willis4 clap
ps2man1 And make that 1 no and 1 more yes, I accidently clicked no
willis4 Haha..
scyllaCat willis4, you're up!
willis4 Thank you Scylla
willis4 As you may or may have not realized, 99% off my suggestions focus around generating more revenue (cash) for whyville
scyllaCat i noticed.
scyllaCat :)
ps2man1 heyyy, only 98% >=P
willis4 I believe this is where all of the problems arrise, lack of funds. To get new rooms ( ie a bank) u need money, so these.
willis4 so these ideas would hopefully solve that original problem
scyllaCat More cash would = more activities
willis4 So to pick an idea which would do that best, the contest/rare suggstion .
scyllaCat Please elaborate, willis4.
scyllaCat (for those who haven't read ur platform)
willis4 My idea is to create contsts which would require a whypass/financial contribution to enter
willis4 For these contsts, a prize would be given, which would b VERY exclusive
ps2man1 awesome
ps2man1 I have a question
ps2man1 wait
ps2man1 I'll ask it later
willis4 Unforntunately non holders could not enter, as the point would be for people to buy a whypass, getting whyville money
willis4 Anyways, these exclusive rares would be presented for a prize, and could be traded etc.
willis4 I know this was a confusing ida in my BBS, hopefully that cleared it up a bit :)
willis4 thanks xD
scyllaCat's Poll Should we have contests that only Why-Pass holders can enter?
willis4 What a derogitory poll
ps2man1 lol haha
willis4 You worded that cruelly scylla :)
ps2man1 yeah haha
scyllaCat go ahead mitsuy
mitsuy since everyone's avatar is made from face parts, i'd have to say more face factory
ps2man1 Lol willis
mitsuy think about it. changes ranging from longer expiration dates to animated face parts. how
willis4 Thanks anyways there scylla Lol.
scyllaCat u can get back to your point, willis4,if u want (later)
mitsuy not only will people be able to keep their rare parts for a longer period of time, it also
willis4 Alright, sounds perfect :)
ps2man1 It doesn't promote whyville server space so much lol
mitsuy and a better economy means a better whyville. i know that the aspect of being able to draw parts for other ppl to wear
mitsuy is exciting. though i do realize it takes alot of space, i think that by getting rid of the samm things that rn't used
ps2man1 Unused rooms don't take up server space unless people are in it, as brought up in the
mitsuy generally, i believe that an expansion of the avatar system will not only encourage citizens to use whyville, but
mitsuy also buy whypasses. afterall, whyville IS quite addictive ;)
ps2man1 QUITE.
scyllaCat no argument from me
willis4 What exactly is your idea theen. To let people use the factory, or give more options inside the factory..
mitsuy so in conclusion, i'll just say that more parts= better whyville in the long run :)D
willis4 Ah ic
mitsuy :)
willis4 clap
ps2man1 Good job
mitsuy thank u everyone
scyllaCat i'm going to skip the poll for mitsuy and move right into you each asking each other questions...
mitsuy scylla :(
willis4 Heh, Okay
scyllaCat mitsuy - go ahead and ask a question to each of the other candidates
ps2man1 ok
mitsuy okay
willis4 -awaiits-
willis4 Podium it up mits.
ps2man1 the blue podium is so mine man =)
mitsuy willis4, u say rares for contests, but where are you going to get those? rares r determined
willis4 Purple is um, awesome ;po
willis4 Not nescicarily, mits. Akbar made the Yvlub hat, but..
mitsuy i mean, 99.5% of parts r designed by ppl like us
mitsuy yes, and elmo?
ps2man1 even more then that cec
mitsuy how many ppl wear whyhates now?
ps2man1 there are about 20000 in the mall
willis4 These prizes would be created by a CW, specially designed, to show that you won that contest, obviously theey would be..
ps2man1 and 50 are akbars
mitsuy what about ppl who don't have money for whypasses?
willis4 thye would be rare because thre would only be one,. Also a sponsor could sponsor each contest, further generating money
ps2man1 Shearra
mitsuy shearra made elmo
willis4 Any follow up?
mitsuy and the sponsers would support these EXCLUSIVE contests y?
willis4 Obviously they would be a big event in whyville, and would attract a fair amount of users, and that is wat sponsors look
willis4 Look for, a large audienc to promote their product too
mitsuy r u insinuating that people who do not have whypasses should be excluded from these contests?
willis4 Not nescesarily. That would be refned,but tat would be the focus, as we want to promote whypasses at the same time
mitsuy i don't know about everyone, but i no that alot of kids don't have 5$ per month to spare
mitsuy and these designers, what happens when NO ONE wants to give up rares?
ps2man1 I spend it all way too ffast. I'm glad I got a lifetime for 20
willis4 It is a lot more incentive to buy a whypass, then which currently exists ( no ofense cw's :)
scyllaCat *none taken*
willis4 <3 :P
mitsuy extensive yes, but what is NO DESIGNER contributed to the price that week?
willis4 Try not to think of them as rares, think of them as exclusive prizes which could be traded
mitsuy prizes again, from which RELIABLE AND CONSTANT source?
ps2man1 Well, They're not necessarily rares. Akbar isn't the GREATEST designer? No offense
willis4 If you would preefer dsigners were hireed, a contst could be held to HOST guest dsigner
willis4 te CW'S would make the exclusive prixes.
scyllaCat OK - let's move on...
ps2man1 good idea. I'd so be a designer if you wanted me to =)
willis4 Agreed :)
mitsuy and u r sure that ppl r willing going to give up 1hr or more just to sponser a contest?
ps2man1 haha yes
scyllaCat mitsuy - got a question for ps2man1?
mitsuy okay, ur up shane <3
ps2man1 ok
willis4 We'll bring this up latr, its a heated argument
ps2man1 and a long one, for sure
mitsuy personally i'm not against the idea of more game rooms, but where r we going to get server space?
willis4 Shanes got this on down
ps2man1 Well
ps2man1 you know
ps2man1 We could do many things
mitsuy such as
ps2man1 Plots: They take up lots of space,a nd they aren't really... good? They're good for a
scyllaCat *wished he had a plot*
ps2man1 haha
mitsuy lol! i don't know about u, but alot of ppl r very sensitive about their houses. i doubt they want to part with it
ps2man1 And
willis4 -wishes my plot wasn't dstipped from me after not visiting it for 6 weeks- >:|
ps2man1 <3 if it'd bring cool games I would
mitsuy i no some kids that try and get free time from class just to get one
ps2man1 Yes,
ps2man1 They want it badly
ps2man1 But they don't care in a few days
ps2man1 Because 'it's like SO 5 minutes ago man!'
scyllaCat lol
mitsuy still, i'm not saying i don't like ur idea. also, how to u plan to keep ppl separate?
ps2man1 Hmm?
mitsuy such as one person per room. what about ppl who like zero gravity with friends?
ps2man1 well
ps2man1 I never said that there'd only be one person
ps2man1 But that'd be better
ps2man1 Kind of like the wasa game
mitsuy so how do u keep ppl u want while geting rid of those u don't want in a room?
ps2man1 you sit in a box, and then you go in, and nobody else can sit
ps2man1 People can watch, but they can't come in
willis4 Touche to that idea.
mitsuy okay, say u want to play with a friend, but a 3rd person is there 2, now what?
ps2man1 Hmm
mitsuy because the 3rd person got in befor eur friend
ps2man1 They watch.
ps2man1 And only one person would be allowed in
mitsuy then what if they got in, THEN ur friend showed up :)
ps2man1 I'm talking about the game with the negative and positive charges trying to get to a
mitsuy i no
ps2man1 They can watch.
scyllaCat OK - let's move on ...
ps2man1 Maybe there would be a few roosm
mitsuy okay. thank u, no further questions scyllacat
ps2man1 For 1+ people, but OKAY SCYLLA
scyllaCat willis4 - start your questions ...
willis4 First one is for ps2man1
ps2man1 Ok
ps2man1 =)
ps2man1 my wings match the podium
willis4 Yesterday I asked why you dont often go on the acc 'ps2man1' and you said becauseyour 'times writer ans' get rambuntious
ps2man1 Well
ps2man1 I don't go on it as much as my others
willis4 Well, if you woere a WHYVILLE senator, you would have MANY more fans
ps2man1 because there's so many fans.
willis4 How can we rely on you to provide, if you cant deal with the fan base as a times writer
ps2man1 I can deal with it, I prefer not to
willis4 Tat dos not show strength, and in a senator, we need leadership and the ability to cope
willis4 Would you honor the supporters you have, or hide on a different account?
mitsuy well said
ps2man1 And aving peopel say 'omg ur senator!' is better then 'UR ON THE FRNT PAGE GO LOOK!'
willis4 So you are shamed of your fans? scared of them?
mitsuy w00t!
ps2man1 Not really
ps2man1 Annoyed of some of them
mitsuy o woah, that got mean
scyllaCat lol
willis4 Then why dont you confront them, deal with the POSITIVE support you get, instead of hide on another account?
ps2man1 Okay
willis4 Okay What?
ps2man1 I'm going to end this and say, good idea. and okay
mitsuy will, don't make him feel bad. he cares about his friends and fans
scyllaCat ok - let's move on
willis4 Okay, and no hard feelings, I just believe a senator should be proud, accepting, and supportive
mitsuy :)
ps2man1 just not the ones who are ANNOYING lol
mitsuy agreed
mitsuy yes we should
willis4 Mitsuy, your up Lol.
scyllaCat willis4, your question for mitsuy?
mitsuy thx guys :) y'all rock
willis4 Mitsuy, you have hounded on shane for his idea would decrease whyville server space..
ps2man1 I'm shane, everyone
mitsuy lol
ps2man1 Lol
willis4 Yes your idea would INCREASE server space drastically, by creating more parts, and more designers
mitsuy my idea is to increase by taking away what is not used, such as the annoyance of old ps2man1: thanks everyone
willis4 Im talking about the face facotry, nto ymails, if u did not know, whyvilles auto elete after an amount of time
mitsuy personally, i have 800+ right now, from the last week and a half. i'm sure that's hogging up space
ps2man1 haha SAME I don't delete
willis4 Think of the MILLIONS! fo ymails in circulation, obviously ymails cant be a big problem...
mitsuy if we get rid of those things, we'll have more space, not to mention the last game called whypox where it keeps saying
willis4 But the ace factory is, because that problem would not have been fixed if it wasn't
mitsuy "doesn't work anymore" do we honestly need those
ps2man1 I'd like to say that the whypox taught me about diseases and epidemics.
willis4 The focus is Face factory, by doing your idea, it would undo the hard work the cw's put into fixing it
mitsuy the face factory takes up space, but without it, how many parts would we have. i no akbar didn't make ur wings
ps2man1 Ga wings, yay
willis4 Your right he didn't, but you plan to add more parts, effectively undoing the solution by the cw's
mitsuy if we clear up more space on the d.whyville server from the whymails, they can be transfered to the face factory
ps2man1 that would be hard to transfer
willis4 The Ymails are not a huge problem, like i said millions r in circulation and they are fine as is
willis4 Ymails in the ace factory, that hardly sounds logical :)
ps2man1 it's almost 10 here haha
mitsuy ppl, whyville has 3 separate servers, the c server to hold items data, d for showing and b for posting, if we just clean
willis4 The servers extend HUGE amount further than that, and you should consult witht he cw's on what can actually be done
ps2man1 My whymail shows up in my hairs! (no offense had to it was funny)
mitsuy clean out everything unused on the c and d servers (whymail on D) then we have more space. it's simple computer tech
willis4 Its actually complicated computer tech
ps2man1 They delete in 30 or 90 days I forget
mitsuy which is the exact reason i'm running for senator, to TALK to cw's
willis4 The ymails appear to NOT be a problem,
mitsuy keyword=appears
willis4 So whyc hange them? If they represent such a small space, it would not create a larger difference in the face factory
scyllaCat OK - let's have ps2man1 take his shot ...
mitsuy have u taken a good look
willis4 Have you?
mitsuy okay, shane then :)
scyllaCat calling time - ps2man1 is up
mitsuy yes i have, and it reads 800+
ps2man1 I guess I'll start with cec
mitsuy si
willis4 So delete them to do your part. Obviosuly whyville runs fine with the addition of your 800 ymails
mitsuy u try and click
ps2man1 Hmm
willis4 So the subtration would not make a difference
willis4 I did, 500+ ymails as helper, i dealt with it
willis4 Ill shush now for shane :)
mitsuy ask hard questions shane, give it all u got
ps2man1 Your platform has a LOT of ideas for the designing community of whyville.
mitsuy mhm
ps2man1 but, it barely has ANYTHING about whypassesw
ps2man1 How do you plan to help THEM?
willis4 -nods-
mitsuy i prefer the indirect lead, let ppl take their own courses. we can't really force ppl to pay for whypasses
ps2man1 But we can make better deals to maybe get them to
mitsuy my idea is by making the avatar system more intricate, more ppl will be tempted to further their whyville playing, and $
ps2man1 Hmm
mitsuy and money will walk itself into whyville. i'm trying to make demand higher than service supply
ps2man1 But many people's parents won't let them buy
ps2man1 Or the people are too busy spending at expensive stores, say Abercrombie
willis4 Haha.
ps2man1 Well
mitsuy yes, but by having something related to school (such as art) to show parents, they r more likely to buy
willis4 Next thing you know copyright lawsuit
ps2man1 anyways
ps2man1 If they had something like
mitsuy or chanel XD
willis4 OR YMART!!!!!!
mitsuy like
ps2man1 Wow! for the next few months there'll be year-lifetime whypasses!
ps2man1 then they'd spend their money on the whypasses =)
mitsuy yes, if u read my bbs, i already stated that though lifetime is not probable, a longer period of time per 5$ is
ps2man1 And also just to say to scylla
willis4 -my ideeas are to create alteernatives to the whypass- cough cough
ps2man1 Well
ps2man1 Even if that can't happen
scyllaCat $5 a month - what's that come out to per day?
ps2man1 5/.30
mitsuy the whole point of a whypass is to have money directed at whyville, and better to lure them here than to push them
scyllaCat 17 cents?
willis4 16 centsa a day
ps2man1 sure
scyllaCat got it - thanks!
ps2man1 But there should be a discount or something
ps2man1 8 monthers are 40 dollars
mitsuy or anual sales
willis4 0.16129 to be exact..
ps2man1 I bought a lifetime for HALF THAT.
ps2man1 ahh
scyllaCat thanks
mitsuy or even get other ppl to sponser whyville
ps2man1 Anyways
willis4 :P No problem
ps2man1 Yeah, thanks
mitsuy np
ps2man1 And done
willis4 "hit m with your best shot, fire awayyyy
ps2man1 Willis your turn for the questions *hehe*
ps2man1 okay
ps2man1 As stated in the BBS's
willis4 Mhm?
ps2man1 the whypass discount days aren't so logical
mitsuy gj shane
scyllaCat *Closing statements after this*
mitsuy got it
ps2man1 Because people would wait a month or two to buy them
willis4 What do yout hink that, or do you think that only because everyon else said that
mitsuy thank u guys :)
mitsuy hey JESSE!
ps2man1 *I think it too aha*
willis4 They WOULD still buy them though, just on one day.
ps2man1 but anyways
ps2man1 If it was every three months
mitsuy we're so mean to each other. gotta make up afterwards
willis4 Yees anyways..
scyllaCat < lol
ps2man1 The span of time in between would be a DOWN DOWN economy time for whyville
mitsuy :D>
ps2man1 but then in three months 'WOW IT'S LIKE 100 PERCENT UP!'
willis4 Which is also why I suggested spcial 'coupons' which could be found in whyville, or given away by cw's
ps2man1 and then whyville funds get really up and down-ish
ps2man1 Well, I'm not against the coupons
ps2man1 they're a good idea
willis4 These coupons could give you a certain amount off the whypass, making it easier to afford :)
ps2man1 but the discount days; I've stated my point
ps2man1 Good idea emma1546
willis4 The discount days could possibly work, but I see your concern, which Is why i developed an alternative idea
willis4 WHICH is the excellent coupons )
ps2man1 Okay, I favor to finish this question! Who seconds this? (willis say you do)
willis4 Sure haha
ps2man1 haha corny =)
mitsuy gj. u guys were awesome
willis4 My attitude is ine, Its just a heated debate beacauseso
scyllaCat OK - to all the candidates: let's have closing statements and then you can stay and take qeustions from the audience (if you want.)
willis4 Sounds good Scylla
ps2man1 haha k
scyllaCat ps2man1 - go ahead and finish us off
ps2man1 wow ok
ps2man1 Well, thanks everyone, ESPECIALLY VOTERS AND CEC AND WILL
mitsuy :)
willis4 clap
ps2man1 I'd like to thank SO MANY supporters
ps2man1 But in particular:
mitsuy clap
ps2man1 Supercow9 and heothain mostly.
ps2man1 Then there are others I forget, sorry
willis4 Haha
mitsuy gj shane :)
willis4 clap
ps2man1 whispering to me.
ps2man1 Anyways
ps2man1 Thanks
ps2man1 Bye
willis4 xD
willis4 clap
mitsuy gj!
scyllaCat thanks, ps2!
ps2man1 yay
scyllaCat mitsuy - ur up!
ps2man1 I'll answer questions after
mitsuy okay
mitsuy first of all, i'd like to thank everyone for coming and my friends will and shane
willis4 clap
mitsuy 2ndly, i'd like to apologize for any hard interrogation on my parts. i hope we'll still be friends
ps2man1 haha
mitsuy I know it's hard to be liked by everyone, but please think about my ideas. i'm not here for fame or glory or money, but
willis4 No mitssuy, im hurt..
willis4 :)
ps2man1 me too willis v.v ;)
mitsuy to help better whyville, all around, so that whether ur a helper, writer, designer or just a citizen, u can have more fu
ps2man1 and skull160 ok?
mitsuy fun
ps2man1 HAHA
mitsuy also, love to all my campaign managers, crash, ash, wing, aj and wacked
mitsuy please consider voting for me, even if i do intend to abbreviate "u" and "ppl" thank u
willis4 Heh
willis4 clap
scyllaCat lol! thanks, mitsuy!
scyllaCat clap
ps2man1 XD haha ok
mitsuy ;)
willis4 clap
mitsuy thank u. gl will
scyllaCat And now we have willis4 to close out the formal portion of the debate
ps2man1 it sure was
ps2man1 A debate.
willis4 First off, lets give HUGE round of applause for our HOST SCYLLACAT !!!!
willis4 wooot
willis4 clap
scyllaCat thanks!
mitsuy claps*
mitsuy lol, dun worry guys, if i win, i'll make sure everyone has a reason to celebrate with me
ps2man1 =P
willis4 Thank you to all of my supporters, voters and campaigne managers
willis4 It is an honor to be chosen to come this far, but i will need your support to accomplish all of my goals
willis4 So please, Vote for me WILLIS4, and i wills trive to gnerate more money for yville, furthering its development :)
ps2man1 :P
willis4 In specific thanks to woodbine, roe775, g0rd0n, and 5eifer
mitsuy :D
mitsuy w00t! go will!
willis4 Haha
willis4 Clap
ps2man1 Scylla keep the podiums here I love them
mitsuy woot. thank u scylla
scyllaCat If the candidates want to stay, they can now take questions from the audience.
mitsuy :D
ps2man1 don't move my podiums, scylla =)
mitsuy i call this one ^^
ps2man1 haha which
willis4 Haha!
mitsuy okay XD
willis4 Nice scylla, cyah later.
mitsuy bye scylla <3
ps2man1 Bye mummycat <3
scyllaCat bye all - and good luck!!! Voting will be on the Welcome Page later this week


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