Have you ever wondered how much water is on Earth? Have you ever wondered how much the average person drinks a day? I'm here to tell you all kinds of facts about water! Water can be everywhere. It's in ponds, rivers, oceans, It's all around you! Keep on reading on to discover more interesting water facts!
The average percent of water that covers the earth is 75%. That's a lot of water. 97% of water is in oceans. So that means 3% of water is only drinking water! Wow. The average person in the United States uses up to 80 to 100 gallons of water each day. During medieval times a person would use up to five gallons per day. That shows how much water we use a day! The average person needs to drink up to two quarts of water a day. One toilet flush is about seven gallons. An average shower is up to 25 to 50 gallons of water. One clothes washer load takes up to 40 gallons! Although a person can live without food for more than a month, a person can only live without water for approximately one week.