www.whyville.net Dec 5, 2007 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

What Happened?

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I was thinking the other day, how could we let society slip so much? I mean, when you really stop and think about it, how much has society changed since you were born? How low have we put our standards? Instead of dwelling on the negatives, I started thinking about what I could do to slow down the decay of the world. First, I have a few examples to show you how serious this issue is:

Think about TV. When we were young, PG-13 shows weren't even considered to be broadcast on national television on children's stations. But today, there is a show on Nickolodeon (for kids and teenagers) called "Degrassi". This show deals with "real life issues" and I know a lot of people who adore that show. It's an interesting show but it's desensitizing kids and teenagers to the evils of this world. They talk about drugs, murder, and even teen pregnancy. These are all important to talk about, but it shouldn't be used as drama on a kid's channel. There are just some things your parents need to teach you, not the TV.

What about our schools? When I was young, we were spanked for saying one curse word. SPANKED! Can you believe that? I think that's fair enough though. These days, you can call the teacher every name in the book and only get a detention. I think that's ridiculous. The dress code is getting more and more relaxed . . . especially for the girls and you know what I mean.

How many teenagers do you know who are pregnant? They are not hard to find if you don't know one. These girls just need love, and not just from a boyfriend, they need love from their parents and friends. I also blame the school system for lowering it's standards on "sex education". They used to teach us about abstinence, now they give "protection" to sixth graders. Isn't that insane? What happened?

Believe it or not, YOU (yes I said you) are the future. If society is like this for you, think about the world your kids and grandkids will live in if we don't put a stop to this foolishness!

What can you do to help? Good question! You can start by censoring your mind. What goes in will come out. If you watch trashy shows, well you'll think trashy and talk about trashy things. It's only logical. About the curse words, I know a lot of people use them but does that make it ok? If you must rant, consider using less offensive words. People will listen and respond better when you're not offending them. I am a firm believer in abstinence. Stay abstinent until you are married. It is the most effective way to keep from contracting a disease or getting pregnant unexpectedly.

If we all do a little, we can accomplish a lot!

Signing off -- peachadee


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