Maybe you've had one of those days at school when you just can't read or write. Not because you don't want to, but because you're having a terrible day and you just can't get the words right no matter how hard you tried. The next day, however, it would probably be back to normal, and you could read just fine. There are some people who never escape that and they live with that "terrible reading day" for forever.
That "day" has a name. It's dyslexia. People who have dyslexia are dyslexic, and they often find that their dyslexia gets in the way of everything. You can't possibly go through a day without reading and writing. Even a sick day at home you have to read at some time. Whether it's deciding what movie you're going to watch or what cereal you're going to eat, you're still reading, even if you don't recognize it.