Music. You hear it everywhere. It's almost impossible not to hear it. It plays in diners and restaurants, elevators, dentist offices, and of course there's the radio. But what else is song for? Is it just there for us to listen to? Well I don't think so. I believe songs can change people.
I was in my youth group last month on a Wednesday night and we were talking about our opinion on songs and what they mean to us. We came up with quite a bit of answers. The kids in my youth group were talking about how when they're sad about something they'll go to their room and start singing or write a song about their feelings. One of the girls said she writes songs then she'll go sing it. Depending on the song, it can bring out different emotions for her.
My leader John wrote down the emotions songs can bring out in you. There were feelings from happiness, to depression, and anger, and some of the kids even said it can make them feel like they aren't good enough for anything or it brings down their dreams.