Author's Note: If you are not Catholic/Christian, I suggest you still read the article. You can learn a lot about our religion and one of the most important Holy Days of Obligation. If you are a practicing Catholic/Christian, you may already know much of the contents of the article, but have you ever pondered the meaning of the actions we take? If you are Catholic/Christian but you are not currently practicing (going to church, Bible study etc.) then read the article. Hopefully you become more curious about your religion and you build up the courage to ask about our religious foundation.
I am a born and raised Catholic. I was baptized into the church when I was a baby, received First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation while I was in second grade. I attend mass every Sunday, as well as with my school each Wednesday. I live by my faith and for my one true God. Being apart of the church is nothing I am ashamed of, and I truly am blessed to be able to celebrate the Eucharist each and every day, whether it is through mass, religious psalms, or religion class. It is who I am.
But this time of year is a unique time of year. This time of year is called Lent.