It's finally here, Whyville's very own Style Studio. This studio was launched on November 19, 2009 and immediately became a popular hangout for Whyvillians. In this studio, people are able to give out makeovers and earn clams for each customer. You may be either a stylist or a client.
Tips for stylists:
1. Don't forget to whisper, "Invite" so your customer can be seated.
2. Instead of looking through for the item that you're looking for, you can say, "Search - ". For example, if I can't find a black bow I can say, "Search bow".
3. DO NOT make your customer's makeover unattractive unless they say so (which would be odd . . .). Try to make everyone look very glamorous.
4. When a customer arrives, begin a conversation such as, "Hi, how are you?", "Welcome ," or, "May I help you?" Be polite to your customers since they will be paying for your work.
5. Do not leave when you have customers waiting. That is very rude. If you left because your battery was low or you accidentally left, that's not an excuse.