It seems the older I get the harder it is to look in the mirror and be satisfied with my body. Sometimes all I can see are those pesky zits cluttering on my forehead or that scar on my arm from scratching a mosquito bite too much. Many teenagers are in the same boat. It's hard to look at yourself and feel beautiful some days, isn't it?
It gets harder as more pressure and desires are added to your social life. For example, you want to be popular, or find a boyfriend or girlfriend. You feel the pressure to cover your face in makeup. Celebrities don't help much either. It can be hard to believe that a model is caked in makeup and airbrushed, when in reality that's the only way we see her. We don't see her right before she goes to bed, with no makeup and not airbrushed. Pressure adds up from the media, peers and also pressure you give yourself.