Hello Whyvillians! Today's next installment of "Behind the Myth" is about the Greek God Ares. Ares is the God of war, and sometimes made out to be a bad guy because of his history; but is he really that bad? Let's take a trip into his history, shall we?
Ares, as previously stated, is the Greek God of war. His parents are Zeus and Hera, and he is one of the Olympians. Some say he conflicts with Athena; because he is the Greek God of war and violence, and she is the Greek Goddess of intelligence, war strategy, and leadership. Another myth is that Ares was involved in the Trojan War, but was in fact on the losing side; while Athena was on the winning Greek side. Funny thing about Ares, is that when he appears in any kind of myth, he is usually being humiliated in some way.