Custom Chat Colors
From this page you can customize the
color of your chat text, bubble background and border. Try it out and see what
cool looking bubbles you can make! If you like what you see you can have your chosen
style in all Whyville chat rooms. You'll need to give up some pearls for the
privilege though, but we're sure you'll love it!
Chat Text |
Bubble Background |
Border |
You do not currently have Chat Candy capability. Press the "Buy" button to
set the bubble style you selected above for 50 pearls. You will be able to use this style for
the next week. You can also change your bubble style at anytime within the next week using secret
Chat Candy commands that we'll give you once you have Chat Candy capability.
You only need to pay 50 pearls once for the whole
week for unlimited use Chat Candy to set your bubble style.