Hotspots is a multi-player game for 4 Whyvillians.
It's like hockey -- you try to get the test charge puck into your goal
(the one that's the same color as your helmet) and score more points than your opponent.
If you haven't played the
charge simulator
, you should do that first.
To play, move onto one of the colored helmets at the top of the screen. If you are accepted onto
the playing field, you'll be given a helmet and placed randomly on the playing field.
Each player is given either a positive
or negative
charge. The helmets show the team color and the charge type.
When 4 players have joined the game, you'll be given 10 seconds to position
yourself anywhere on the board. At the end of the 10 seconds, a test charge
will be emitted from the gun.
If the test charge hits one of the colored goals at either end of the field, that team gets
a point.
You can move yourself around so your charge affects the path of the test charge.
Play the Game!