Welcome to WingFling, part of Whyville PlaneWorks, a series of games and activities about planes, from assemblage and design to racing your very own custom aircraft. If all goes well, you might become Whyville's first plane industry magnate, selling planes to City Hall for bushels of clams.
But first, you'll need to master PlaneWorks WingFling. The goal in this game is to assemble as many planes as you can by putting together plane parts (not just wings!) of a particular plane model in one of the three construction bays at the bottom of your screen.
There are four plane models in play: Boeing 737 (gray), Boeing 747 (white), Cessna 560 (yellow), and F-16 (black), and each plane model has four parts: fuselage, engine, right and left wings.
To play, catch the plane parts whizzing off the conveyor belt and put them in either a storage bin or a construction bay. A part that isn't picked up is automatically placed in a storage bin. You can pick up a part from a bin at any time to move it to a bay to complete a plane.
As the game progresses, the conveyor belt will speed up, making your job more challenging. The good news, though, is that you'll earn more for the planes you complete, rewarding fast flingers for their skills and speed.
The game ends when a part rolls off the conveyor belt, but no one picks it up and all the bins are full.
Some useful tips to keep in mind:
You can only pick up one part at a time. |
You can put any part in an empty bay. |
After the first part has been placed in a bay, only parts that'll fit with the first one will be allowed into the bay. |
If you try to put a wrong part into a bay, it'll be sent back into a bin. If there are no bins available, the game will end. |
As soon as a fuselage, engine, right wing, and left wing of the same model plane are assembled into a bay, the plane is complete. The bay opens up, and all participants are given their clam awards for parts they added to the completed plane. |
The number above the conveyor belt is the number of clams each part is worth.
Up to four players can play together in PlaneWorks WingFling. |
Think speed, planning, and teamwork! Good luck!