In the mid 1800's, Mendeleev put all known atoms into a table
based on their weights and how they behaved chemically. Here's an early
version of his table:
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
1 |
H 1 |
2 |
Li 7 |
Be 9.4 |
B 11 |
C 12 |
N 14 |
O 16 |
F 19 |
3 |
Na 23 |
Mg 24 |
Al 27.3 |
Si 28 |
P 31 |
S 32 |
Cl 35.5 |
4 |
K 39 |
Ca 40 |
? |
Ti 48 |
V 51 |
Cr 52 |
MN 55 |
Fe,Co,Ni,Cu 56,59,59,63 |
5 |
Cu 63 |
Zn 65 |
? |
? |
As 75 |
Se 78 |
Br 80 |
6 |
Rb 85 |
Sr 87 |
? |
Zr 90 |
Nb 94 |
Mo 96 |
? 100 |
Ru,Rh. Pd,Ag 104,104,106,108 |
7 |
Ag 108 |
Cd 112 |
In 113 |
Sn 118 |
Sb 112 |
Te 125 |
I 127 |
8 |
Cs 133 |
Ba 137 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
9 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
10 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Ta 182 |
W 184 |
? |
Os,Ir,Pt,Au 195,197,198,199 |
11 |
Au 199 |
Hg 200 |
T1 204 |
Pb 207 |
Bi 208 |
? |
? |
When Mendeleev looked at his table, it was clear some elements were
missing. Some elements were yet to be discovered.
In 1868, a scientist named Lockyer pointed his spectrograph at the Sun,
and he saw the spectral lines from Hydrogen, but there were also
spectral lines from an element he didn't recognize. He called the
unknown element Helium. Much later, in 1895, helium was found on the
Now, you will perform the same type of experiment. Just as in
the previous level of the game, we'll show you the spectral lines of two elements
at the same time. Your job is to tell us which two elements we've mixed
BUT, there's a twist. In this final level of our game, let's pretend we're living
back in 1869 and we only know Medeleev's elements.
When you try to match the target spectra, sometimes, you'll find that you can't do it -- a needed element
is missing.
You will need to recognize when you are missing an element required to match the spectrum.
If you get four of these puzzles right, you'll complete this level and earn 4 clams salary.
Onward...to the game!