If you decide to go into business and create your own designs, Akbar is happy
to host your store in the Akbar Face Mall.
The first step is to create your designs
in Akbar's Face Factory.
Use a Face Factory Voucher to gain access to the Face Factory.
A Face Factory Voucher (FFV) looks like this:
Each FFV lets you design one part; but you can make as many copies of that part as you want!
There are several ways to get a voucher:
- Face Factory Vouchers are now on sale for only 50 pearls per voucher! Visit the Face Factory to learn more.
- You might get lucky and find one on the ground in a Whyville chat room.
- Your friend might give you one.
- You might trade for one in the Trading Post.
Once you have created designs, you can create a store to sell them in. As the owner of a store, you
can allow your friends to place their designs alongside your designs in your store.
If you want to advertise your store, you can bid for space in Akbar's Mall. Every night, Akbar
picks the 20 highest bids and displays their store information on the front page of the store.