First there was Giggler01, followed by OrEoBaBy, Sonner, DivaSis and
most recently softbll12. In case you don't know what I mean yet, I am
talking about Whyville's past and current Senators!
As we are approaching the election date, I guess the question on
everyone's mind is, who will be the next Senator of Whyville? Will it
be Hotboi764, Hiphop26, or Coconut02? I guess we'll just have to wait
and see, won't we?
I think the senator race is a really interesting process to watch. It's
great that we can get a little idea of how politics works, while having
fun at the same time. In countries like Canada, the United States and
several others, too, many people are not exercising their right to
vote, unfortunately. Here on Whyville we learn what we should and
shouldn't base our votes on, which may inspire us to vote in the real
world when the time comes. So in that sense it is really good.