Wow. I'm absolutely amazed at the changes going on in Whyville. From WhyTunes, to Pearls, to Pets, and more! It seems like the opportunities are endless! Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? No? Well then, let's take a look at some of the major changes coming to Whyville, but before we do, I'd like to congratulate and thank all of the City Workers for winning Whyville the Gold Award in the National Parenting Publications (NAPPA) Children's Products competition! It's awesome to see how our little community (which really isn't that little anymore . . .) impacts society.
So, back to changes. Let's groove to WhyTunes.
Now, this has been out for a little while, so I'm sure many of you have had a chance to explore the system. I can remember a system like iTunes for Scions being talked about for a long time, and now we finally have our own WhyTunes.