Just like in the real world, Whyville provides its citizens many different ways to get from one place to another within our world. Here we'll discuss the most common methods of travel and movement.
Walking & Navigation links
The easiest way to get around in Whyville is to walk from room to room. When you're in a room where you can see your face, click anywhere in that room to move to that spot. If a bubble message pops up when you move your mouse over a location, click on it and you'll go to a new room.
You can also click the links at the bottom of any screen. Some people find this method faster, especially if you have a slow computer. Links are grouped by geographical location within Whyville, so you can easily move around in one neighborhood.
The Destination Menu
Want to get somewhere fast? Take the bus! The Bus Menu, better known as the Destination Menu, sits midway down the left side of each page, and contains an alphabetized list of most places in Whyville. If you know exactly where you want to go, use the Destination Menu to go there directly.
The Map
The Map is definitely one of the coolest ways of getting around Whyville. To access the map, push the big blue "Map" button above the Destination Menu. The map lets you sort locations in Whyville that are:
- Places to shop
- Places to play games
- New games & activities
- Places with the most people
- Places where your friends are
Roll your mouse over a location on the map to learn more about it and to find out what activities you can do in that place. Just click the location you want to go there!
Scions & Whipcars
Scions and Whipcars are cars that you can drive around in Whyville with your friends, and if you save up, you can even buy one! Whipcars are basically just Scions that appear from time to time in certain rooms and can be rented for 50 clams per ride. Scions are personally owned vehicles that can drive all through Whyville whenever you want.
The Rest
Surprisingly, there are even more ways of traveling in Whyville. These are usually less common, like Sergio's Taxi service, which only runs in Myville, or the 'teleport' chat command, but you can still use them if you'd like!