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The PIP Loft, upstairs at the Wellness Center, offers a tutorial on an efficient problem solving technique --
the PIP (Problems Ideas Plans). You can use it for many different kinds of situations, from every day projects
like how to decorate your locker to trickier challenges like how to deal with your class bully.
Once you have completed this tutorial at least one time, the summary of the problem you wanted to address and the
plan you came up with can be found on this page. On top of that, you will earn a one-time salary raise of 2 clams
to your salary after completing the PIP tutorial.
Your Initial Problem:
Rephrased as "How to...":
The idea(s) you picked:
Your solution statement:
Your Action Plan:
Your Initial Problem:
Rephrased as "How to...":
The idea(s) you picked:
Your solution statement:
Your Action Plan:
Your Initial Problem:
Rephrased as "How to...":
The idea(s) you picked:
Your solution statement:
Your Action Plan:
PIP Tutorial
Social Anxiety Room
Social anxiety is an intense fear and avoidance of social situations. Kids who have social anxiety may worry that others will
think badly of them, or that they will do something embarrassing and be made fun of.
There are many situations that may be difficult for kids with social anxiety, like giving a presentation, speaking up in class,
performing in front of others, meeting new people, starting conversations, inviting friends to hang out, or going to parties.
If you are interested in learning more about social anxiety, take a look at our tip sheet!
Remember, only a professional can diagnose social anxiety. If you have more questions about social anxiety, be sure to talk to your parents or a trusted adult.
Find all the helpful pieces of advice for a given situation to earn 2 clams of salary.
All good advice you've given:
Class Presentation
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Meeting New People
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Social Events
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Disclaimer: Material in Whyville's Wellness Center is intended as general information. It is not a recommendation for treatment,
nor should it be considered medical or mental health advice. Whyville's Wellness Center urges families to discuss all information
and questions related to medical or mental health care with a health care professional.